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The C Programming Language

It is quite common to hear people say that K&R is the best book on C out there but it has to be said, "it is the best book on C out there". It is also one of the easiest to read and most concise books I have ever read. A lot of Authors could learn some lessons from this little book.

Effective C++: 50 Ways To Improve.......

A good understanding of C++ is required to read this book. I have not read it all yet but what I have read has given me a lot of food for thought.


To date, the most useful book on Perl I have had the pleasure of reading is "The Perl Cookbook". I have never really needed the Camel because I seem to be able to find exactly what I need by a quick perusal through the perldocs. The learning Perl book was a bit disappointing. I think this was because I knew some perl before reading it so I found it very light reading.

Learning Perl

The Perl Cookbook

Operating Systems

Beginning Linux Programming

Beginning Linux programming is a very good book and it does cover a lot of material. You will need a some understanding of C to get the most from it. There is a primer on most topics including C so if you have only just embarked on learning Linux then this is not a bad place to start although like everything else be prepared to put some effort in, its not a dummies book.

Essential Systems Administration

I have not read enough this to comment yet.

Computer Science

I just needed to add a note here. TAOCP books are bloody hard work. I have been slogging over Vol 1 for quite a while now. It is these books that spurred me to start the Maths part of my degree early, in the hope that I can start to get through them a bit quicker. Its a long term goal of mine to be able to turn to most of the pages of Vol 1 and not spend several hours wondering whats going on. So far I have been at these for just over a year and last years Maths course helped quite a bit but, the Maths I have encountered so far is quite basic compared to what is required to understand the concepts in these books. Even if you have not got any Maths the chapters on data structures are well worth reading. I implimented his sparse matrix ideas in C++ for the search engine although I imagine I may have cheated a bit.

TAOCP Vol 1 and 2

Introductory Logic and Sets for Computer Scientists


An Introduction to databasea Systems

C. J. Dates introduction to database systems is indeed an introduction but it goes considerably deeper than any introduction to databases I have read. There is very little pussy footing around in this book and this can be seen when he covers normalization. I have not seen many books cover this topic as well. He also explains functional dependance which I have seen overlooked in several books which is a serious flaw on their part. I consider this book required reading for any database entusiast. Its not a simple read but it pays dividends if you do.

These are actual Oracle reference books. They are considerably dryer than the normal Pribyl/Feuerstein but they have suited me.

PL / SQL User Guide and Reference

Oracle 8i Backup and Recovery Guide

Oracle Server SQL Reference


Mountaincraft and Leadership

Rope Techniques

Mark Up

The XML nutshell book is a good quick reference but lacks a lot of details that is often required. What do you expect, it is trying to cram everything into a nutshell. I am not saying this is a bad book, it does its job "quick reference" very well. I use it all the time.

XML In A Nutshell


I am doing a Computer Science and Mathematics degree with the OU at the moment. Any book I buy for that course I will put here although I have to say that the course materails are extremely good.

Calculus Made Easy

Advanced Mathematics


Collins Spanish Dictionary PLus Grammar

Easy Spanish Reader


Management Strategies for Information Technology

The Strategy Reader

Non Fiction

I got the BHOT for my Birthday and then the nutshell for Christamas. I have read the BHOT and some of it was very readable and other bits where a bit heavy.

A Brief History Of Time

The Universe In a Nutshell


I have hundreds of these some of which are in storage at the moment. I have read quite a bit of material, mainly Science Fiction. I was into Horror years ago but moved to Science Fiction because it was just more appealing. I just had to put "War and Peace" here, the monumental task of ploughing through this took place in the Adriatic while doing "6 on 6 off" shifts.

War and Peace